Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ode to Ginger

Ginger tops my list of favorites for both spices and home remedies. I became addicted to the flavor, pink picked sweet slices with sushi and the zest in my dad's stir fry, and never thought about why my mom would get me ginger ale whenever my stomach was upset.

I became passionate about ginger after learning that it is traditionally served with sushi to combat any bacteria that may be ingested with raw fish. The simplicity of such a delicious tradition made ginger my favorite tummy stand-by.

There's data to show that ginger helps with motion sickness, morning sickness, post-operative surgery related nausea, chemotherapy
nausea, and inflammation, and it is thought in Traditional Chinese Medicine to increase energy and heat.

For a cheap treat, make some fresh ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger root for 5-10 minutes in hot water with a dash of honey and lemon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Slicing fresh ginger and steeping it in a bottle of vodka for a week or so makes for some very interesting flavored vodka.

For extra kick, toss in a sliced fresh jalapeƱa as well -- although the less adventurous may prefer a few spoons of honey to a hot pepper. (Liquify the honey in a microwave first and it will mix readily with the vodka.)

Let your concoction remain at room temperature until you just can't wait to taste it; then put it in the freezer so you can serve it ice cold.

Clearly, this is not health food, but it makes a nice aperitif before one of my classic stir-fries.