Thursday, February 28, 2008

FDA approves laughter for treatment of malaise

Perhaps I should have listened to my own advice, but as usual my winter-induced ennui convinced me to spend the last two months in hibernation. While I haven't really felt like doing anything, I have been able to stave off the sadness of SAD with a daily dose of laughter. While the FDA hasn't actually validated the ol' adage, there is plenty of data to prove that laughter can reduce pain, improve oxygen flow to the brain, and generally lift spirits.

So if winter is trampling your mood, try renting Super Troopers, reading some Sedaris, joining a laughter yoga group, or just yucking it up at my new favorite joke:

Bush and Cheney are at a restaurant for lunch. The waitress comes over and asks what they will be having.

Bush says, "I'll have a quickie."

The waitress steps back in disgust and says, "Mr. President, I thought that kind of piggish behavior went out with the last administration!"

She storms off and Dubya looks confused. Cheney shakes his head at the president and says, "George, it's pronounced QUICHE."

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